Villa Wolf Pinot Noir 750ml
Villa Wolf Pinot Noir 750ml
Move over, fancy Burgundy! Villa Wolf Pinot Noir is where it's at for real value. It's got a mix of herbs, savoury vibes, and mineral goodness on the nose, with a hint of juicy red cherries in the background. Smooth, elegant, and fruity on the palate, with a touch of spice and a little earthiness. This light and characterful Pinot Noir is the real deal!
Type & Grape: Red Wine, 100% Pinot Noir.
Origin: Pfalz, Germany.
Tasting notes: Attractive herby, savoury, and mineral nose with lightly aromatic red cherry fruit. Smooth, elegant fruitiness with a hint of spice and a trace of earthy complexity. A light and characterful Pinot Noir.
Food Pairing: Pairs well with roasted poultry, grilled salmon, or mushroom dishes.
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