Heart Of Stone Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Heart Of Stone Sauvignon Blanc 750ml


Heart of Stone Sauvignon Blanc, a customer favourite, comes from Marlborough's distinctive sites where vines thrive amongst ancient riverbed stones. The limited yield produces a vibrant wine, bursting with blackberry, gooseberry, and passionfruit flavours, all underscored by crisp acidity. Perfectly paired with white fish and salads, it offers a refreshing finish that keeps people coming back.

Type & Grape: White, Sauvignon Blanc.

Origin: Marlborough, New Zealand.

Tasting notes: Vibrant flavours of blackberry, gooseberry and passionfruit, underscored by refreshing acidity.

Food Pairing: White fish and salads.

Farming: Vines grown in ancient riverbed stones and gravel.

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