Baccichetto Refosco 750ml
Baccichetto Refosco 750ml
Baccichetto Refosco is a rustic, full-bodied red with a dark ruby colour. It comes off with scents of dark berries and forest floor, leading to a taste of ripe plums, black cherries, and a hint of earthiness. It finishes off with firm tannins and a long-lasting finish.
Type & Grape: Red Wine, 100% Refosco.
Origin: From Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy.
Tasting notes: Dark ruby and rustic. Smells like dark berries and the forest floor. Tastes of ripe plums, black cherries, and a touch of earth, with firm tannins.
Food Pairing: Perfect with grilled meats, game, or aged cheeses.
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